Evening Talk: The Coming Cascadia Megathrust Earthquake
Organizer: Dungeness River Nature Center
Organizer Email: info@DungenessRiverCenter.org
Organizer Phone: 360-681-4076
Organizer Website: https://DungenessRiverCenter.org/
Join us for a special guest speaker presentation about the coming Cascadia Megathrust Earthquake!
We will gather outside of our Cedar Hat Classroom and attendance is FREE ($5 donations appreciated to support our education programs)
July 12, 7-8:15pm
Over the last 10,000 years there have been at least forty-one magnitude 8.2 to 9.2 earthquakes produced by the Cascadia Subduction Zone, with an average occurrence in our area every 240 years. The last big earthquake (estimated magnitude 9.0) in this area occurred on January 26, 1700. There is a 33% chance of a Cascadia earthquake of at least magnitude 8.0 happening in the next 50 years. Combining this prediction with the danger of the recently discovered Sadie Creek Fault (located west of Lake Crescent) raises the Clallam County risk of a devastating earthquake to higher than 50% in the next 50 years. Geologists and emergency planners acknowledge that the Pacific Northwest is not adequately prepared for such a colossal quake.
Professor May teaches courses in geology, anthropology, and philosophy at Peninsula College. Dann received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in geology from the University of Washington in Seattle (1978 & 1980) and his M.A. in philosophy from the University of North Texas (1993). Before pursuing his teaching career, he worked as an exploration geologist with the Standard Oil Company in Dallas, Texas. Dann currently serves on the Olympic Coast Marine Sanctuary’s advisory board as the education chair.