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Nov 20

OPAS Program: “Do Crows Have Language?”

Organizer: Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society
Organizer Website: https://olympicpeninsulaaudubon.org/

“Do Crows Have Language?”
Speaker: Dr. Douglas Wacker, University of Washington
Where:  Dungeness River Nature Center
When:  November 20, 2024   7:00 p.m.
Free to attend.

Humans are fascinated by crows because they share many of our characteristics. They’re smart, social, and make a variety of vocalizations. However, do they have a language like humans? In this talk, we’ll explore some past work on crow vocal communication, language in general, and recent Corvid research conducted with undergraduates at the University of Washington Bothell. We’ll discuss what some of those caws might mean and talk about how we’re starting to address the question of whether crows have something akin to language.

Dr. Douglas Wacker

Dr. Doug Wacker is an Associate Professor of Animal Behavior at the University of Washington Bothell, where he works with undergraduates studying crow and raven social behavior and communication. He has studied a local communal roost of 16,000 American Crows on the Bothell campus since 2012. He lives in Lake Forest Park, Washington with his two children, Eilidh and Delphinia, his wife Kim, and two indoor-only cats.

American Crow fledgling by Bob Boekelheide

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