Nature Art for Kids – Paint a Pot, Plant a Seed
Organizer: Dungeness River Nature Center
Organizer Email: info@DungenessRiverCenter.org
Organizer Phone: 360-681-4076
Organizer Website: https://DungenessRiverCenter.org/
Are you looking for a fun way to get your kids outside and make some art?
Join us for a Nature Art activity at the Dungeness River Nature Center! Each class, we will offer a short lesson on nature and then have kids work on a related craft. Anything they create, they get to take home!
Recommended for ages 4-11. $10 per child. (you can pay at the River Center front desk the day of)
Note: parents/guardians, please plan to stay at the River Center with your child rather than drop them off. Class begins with a short lesson at 1pm, but if you child completes their craft early, you do not need to stay until 3pm.
This week we will focus on seeds & plants and paint a small ceramic pot!