Great Backyard Bird Count
Organizer: Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society
Organizer Website: https://olympicpeninsulaaudubon.org/
Great Backyard Bird Count
February 16–19, 2024
Participating is easy, fun to do alone or with others, and can be done anywhere you find birds.
Step 1: Decide where you will watch birds. Even though it is called the Great Backyard Bird Count, your “backyard” includes any place you find birds, such as parks, wildlife areas, trails, and coastlines, as well as backyards.
Step 2: Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, as many times and locations as you wish during the four days, February 16–19, 2024.
Step 3: Identify all the birds you see or hear within your planned time/location and use the best tool for sharing your bird sightings:
Use the eBird Mobile app (cell phone) or the eBird website (desktop/laptop) to enter your bird counts. If you are new to eBird, start a new eBird account and enter new bird lists using the “Submit” tab. Use the “Explore” tab to view other people’s bird lists.
If you are a beginning bird admirer and new to bird identification, try using the Merlin Bird ID app to tell us what birds you are seeing or hearing.
If you already contribute to eBird or Merlin, continue what you are doing! All eBird entries over the 4-days count towards GBBC.