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Looking Back to See Ahead

Where did Pacific Northwest Prairies come from, and where have they all gone? Why are they even present in this land of tall timber? And, what is a “prairie” anyway? 

If you have ever wondered about the answers to these questions, then tune into our next virtual learning program Looking Back to See Ahead!

This talk will cover these and other imponderables to build a deeper understanding of the unique cultural artifacts. Northwest prairies hold a special place in the landscape, biodiversity, and history of the Pacific Northwest, yet only a narrow slice of the public is aware of their existence. 

The program will be presented by David Peter, an Ecologist with the U S Forest Service, PNW Research Station in Olympia, WA. His co-author Stan Graham, a volunteer, is retired from the Olympic National Forest where he was a fire management officer.

David and Stan have undertaken the project of mapping and describing prairies to increase awareness and facilitate prairie conservation.

As most Olympic prairies are now gone or seriously compromised from afforestation, urbanization or agricultural development, they had to rely heavily on historical records, and seek out remnant vegetation where possible. Join us, for an interesting overview of Olympic Peninsula prairies with a focus on those in the land of the S’Klallam.

March 2nd



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