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Intelligent, Crafty, and Pesky

Virtual Learning: Corvids Wednesday, July 15 2:30pm   Learn to enjoy and understand local Ravens, Crows & Jays   The largest of the songbirds, also called passerines, is the Common Raven. It may also be the smartest. Ravens belong to a family of birds called Corvidae or Corvids.   Members of this boisterous family include ravens, crows, magpies, and jays. Each species of bird in the family displays unique behavior, voice, and appearance.   Presenter Ken Wiersema will focus on the Corvidae species that we commonly see on the Olympic Peninsula. They live and learn from us and adapt their lifestyle to optimize the habitat we share with them and the natural world of which they are such a rich part.   Their intelligence equates to that of primates. They can recognize themselves in mirrors, remember human and animal individuals, cache and recover food, play, and even hold funerals.   As you know, they voice a wide array of raucous calls. Each of us, who have taken the time to notice, have been amused, puzzled, or even enraged by their antics.   We’ll review the local species, assist in identification, and offer insights into Corvidae lifestyle. Please do bring your questions, your Corvidae stories and your curiosity.   Click here to register!       Photo Credit: Dow Lambert